Working Papers

Pricing Protection: Credit Scores, Disaster Risk, and Home Insurance Affordability (with Mallick Hossain and Joakim Weill)

Hurricanes and Migration: New Evidence from Credit Bureau Microdata (with Spencer Bowdle and Joakim Weill) (R&R at Journal of Environmental Economics and Management)

The Canary in the Coal Decline: Appalachian Household Finance and the Transition from Fossil Fuels (with Brigitte Roth Tran and Erin Troland) (Second round R&R at Journal of Financial Economics)


Blonz, Joshua, Karen Palmer, Casey J. Wichman, Derek C. Wietelman. 2025. “Smart Thermostats, Automation, and Time-Varying Pricing” Forthcoming AEJ: Applied Economics, 17 (1): 90–125.

Blonz, Joshua. 2023. “The Welfare Costs of Misaligned Incentives: Energy Inefficiency and the Principal-Agent Problem,” American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 15 (3): 286-321.
[online appendix]

Blonz, Joshua. 2022. “Making the Best of the Second-Best: Welfare Consequences of Time-Varying Electricity Prices,” Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 9(6): 1087-1126

Blonz, Joshua, Dallas Burtraw, and Margaret Walls. 2012. “Social safety nets and US climate policy costs,'' Climate Policy, 12:4, 474-490.

Blonz, Joshua, Dallas Burtraw, and Margaret A. Walls. 2010. “Climate Policy's Uncertain Outcomes for Households: The Role of Complex Allocation Schemes in Cap-and-Trade,” The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy 10(2): Article 5.

Burtraw, Dallas, Margaret Walls, and Joshua Blonz. 2010. “Distributional Impacts of Carbon Pricing Policies in the Electricity Sector,U.S. Energy Tax Policy, Gilbert E. Metcalf (Ed.). Cambridge University Press.

Selected Works in Progress

Money and Power (with Cooper Howes and Joakim Weill)

Other Publications

Blonz, Joshua, and Jacob Williams (2020). "Electricity Demand as a High-Frequency Economic Indicator: A Case Study of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Hurricane Harvey," FEDS Notes. Washington: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.